Two-Piece Rigid Couplings

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From the perspective of an engineer or designer seeking flexible and durable coupling solutions, HZCDuniversal’s two-piece rigid couplings offer several key advantages over the one-piece variants:

Serviceability: The two-piece design allows the coupling to be serviced in-place, simplifying maintenance and reducing downtime compared to one-piece couplings.

Balanced Design: The two-piece construction with opposing hardware provides a more balanced design, which can be beneficial in certain applications.

Customization Options: HZCD’s two-piece rigid couplings are available with step bores and keyways, allowing for greater flexibility in shaft size accommodation and connection.

Anti-Vibration Coating: Like the one-piece couplings, the two-piece designs also feature HZCD’s proprietary anti-vibration coating.

This coating enables repeated installations, prevents hardware from loosening, and helps mitigate galling in stainless steel couplings.

Precision Honing: The straight bore two-piece rigid couplings undergo the same precision honing process as the one-piece versions, ensuring collinear bores for improved torque transmission in precision servo applications.

Material Options: HZCD Transmission offers the two-piece rigid couplings in 1215 lead-free steel with a proprietary black oxide finish and 303 stainless steel, catering to different application requirements.

For engineers and designers seeking a more versatile and serviceable rigid coupling solution, HZCD’s two-piece offerings provide the enhanced features and customization possibilities to meet the needs of a wide range of industrial and precision applications.